What materials can be coated with ADITIZOL paint?

The paint is highly adhesive and can be applied to all common mineral and metal structures, plastic, glass and wood. Highly smooth and shiny surfaces (metal) should be coated with a pre-diluted thin-film paint (creating a contact coating), let dry and then proceed as recommended.

Can ADITIZOL paint also be used in the interior? Does it meet hygienic requirements?

Yes, in a full and unbounded range. Its safety is certified by the TZÚS Prague testing institute and it is certified by the National Institute of Public Health in Prague for the possibility to be used for indirect food contact.

Is it possible to use ADITIZOL paint even on historic buildings?

Yes, it is a mineral, water-dilutable, exterior and interior thin-layer coating which, in addition to its excellent thermal insulation properties, protects the underlying surface treatment of the original plaster adaptations against the effects of acid rain and aggressive environments. It consistently transmits all surface roughness and surface treatment techniques. It is fully applicable to all mineral surfaces with high vapour permeability, even in case of the application of reconstruction plaster finishes.

What is the recommended method for using ADITIZOL paints?

For larger areas, it is clearly applied by recommended spray equipment of various power levels. And not only in terms of the spray power, but also a high quality coat of paint and a uniformity of coated layer. The coat of paint copies surface unevenness, which retains the original look of especially older and historic buildings. However, this method does not exclude the application by brush in case of small areas with variable 3-dimensional – plastic surface, such as the different reliefs, rocailles and plastic facade elements protruding from the plane of coat of paint. Cordon cornices should be sprayed using directed adjustment of a spray gun. 

Can ADITIZOL paint be applied by brush and in what cases?

Yes, especially on small areas of the jambs of window openings and details and in the case of thermal bridges of local character. It is possible to make minor repairs of damaged areas both of the silicate materials of plaster surfaces indoors and outdoors and the metal pipeline foundations. Damage to the surface insulation and protective treatment is immediately visible, thus the subsequent repair by repainting is very simple. Especially valves, piping caps, flanges and non-standard sections are an exceptionally good foundation for these adjustments using a brush. 

It is possible to add colour to the ADITIZOL paint finish?

Yes, it is. In the basic pastel shades with a recommendation to use lighter colours. Adding colour is recommended to implement in the last paint or spray layer with selected mineral pigmentation. The appropriate proportion of colour pigment is added to the basic white paint. 

Can the ADITIZOL paint be applied using a roller or a brush?

By a roller, no; by a flat brush, yes. We recommend suitable types of brushes with soft bristles. When using a brush, you need to dilute the chosen and selected amount of ADITIZOL paint with water according to the application instructions to get a consistency suitable for the application by brush. Even in this case, excessive coating thickness cannot be applied in one step, and it is recommended to apply it in layers progressively with a desired time interval, according to the technological instructions.  

How does ADITIZOL paint behave on original plastering?

In this case, an ADITIZOL OPEN variant is selected. The big advantage is its flexibility, excellent adhesion and adaptation to the foundation. The paint does not form hard crusts, it has high vapour permeability at its minimum layer thickness (suitable for applications as a final coating layer and of highly porous reconstruction plasters). The protection against external effects of atmospheric humidity – acid rain, with high vapour permeability, has a significant share in the reduction in humidity in the masonry and facade surfaces, which is essential to prolong their life. The paint secures its protection against humidity not by hydrophobicity but the internal composition and size of its individual components. 

Can ADITIZOL paint copy dilatational movements without cracking?

Yes, virtually on all conventional heat transfer media and hydrothermal lines on metal piping, as well as on demanding technological units with plus and sub-zero temperatures and their relatively rapid alternation in the chemical industry. The paint flexibility is primarily used to protect the facades of buildings with difficult surfaces full of tiny capillary cracks arising from stress in the facade surfaces, as well as of long units of linear structures without adequate dilation.  

It is possible to use the ADITIZOL paint as an intermediate layer in the construction or must it always be the last surface layer?

The paint is designed as a top protective layer in contact with the surrounding air. It is possible to use a variety of other, conventional thermal insulating materials in the interlayer in construction, with full incorporation. In special cases, it is possible to apply the paint by creating a one-sided, thin-walled and closed air cavity in contact with the paint.

Is ADITIZOL paint affected by expansion, contraction of piping?

No, it isn't. The paint may be applied on highly thermally stressed piping in both plus and sub-zero temperatures and their fluctuations. Extreme conditions are always recommended to be assessed in terms of technology. 

Is ADITIZOL paint a single-component or multicomponent material?

It is a single-component material in terms of application. Simply mixing with a small amount of water ensures its readiness to applications. The amount of water and the method of application are also dependent on the temperature of foundation and environment. More information is contained in the application instructions. 

Is ADITIZOL paint only white or are there any other colours?

The paint is white as a standard. Colour can be achieved; it is recommended only in the last top spray layer by the addition of mineral pigments to the basic paint. It is a standard procedure in almost all paints, where the colour is achieved by selecting appropriate combinations of pigments, which is subsequently mechanically (manually in smaller quantities) blended in pre-selected and chosen amount of basic, white paint. Lighter, not too dark shades of pastel colours are preferred in the recommendations.

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